Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007
India: Corrupt Radical Feminist President Appointed
Pratibha Patil has just been “elected” President of India by votes cast by national lawmakers and state legislators. Patil, was hand-picked by Congressional Parliamentary leader Sonia Ghandi, a powerful feminist who rode into power on the back of Nehru-Ghandi family, and who has been the woman jiggling knobs behind the curtain of the Prime Minister’s office for many years.
How Patil could have passed the “smell test” points to the nature of corrupt politics in India. Patil has a legacy of financing radical feminist initiatives and lining the pockets of relatives, financed by the failure of her bank which she founded in 1973, which actually managed to achieve a negative net worth.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Kilt me, oh savage one

Utilikilts are rad. This guy's clearly proving that it is men that wear kilts that get all the hotties. And now everyone's cashing in—it's Miller time for kilts and it's about time they got taken seriously. Serious FUN that is.
Russia here I come
You Belong in Barcelona |
![]() When it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night. Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picasso, eat some tapas, take a siesta, and then dance all night! |
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Beth Ditto calls bullshit on Angelina Jolie's bisexuality

The chanteuse, who heads up the Gossip and writes an advice column for The Guardian, was quoted as saying “If she were actually a lesbian she’d be with a woman.” Well, bisexuality rarely means lesbian. Often (dripping with sarcasm) it means that a person can have same-sex desire or can just as easily fall for a mate of opposite stripes! Does she qualify now Ms Ditto?
Recently, ex-lover and model Jenny Shimuzu was quoted as saying that she frequently sees Angelina, and that they don't always have sex - sometimes they just hang out in Cambodia and, you know, shoot the shit.
Monday, July 9, 2007
When girls kill

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Kiss-in for gender-bashing

Here's her story, in her words...
So following a tradition put forth by millions of queer folk worldwide, but most recent in my mind is that of on of Ivan E. Coyote's stories in hir book "loose ends," I am going public with my story of being gender-bashed right in broad daylight, in the street! Here's how it unfolded: So I was coming out of Seagall's epicerie...
read more
and walking to where I had locked my bike up when all of a sudden this really, super cute guy/girl couple walked by me on the left hand side...as we walked by each other there was mutual checking out going on, and as they were to the left of me, well naturally my head was turned all the way around to the left! The guy and I even exchanged smiles! As I was turning my head back to the centre...almost at my bike I was punched in the nose/lip area of my face and I dropped to the ground! It was exactly the feeling of fainting, in the sense that I was standing up and then all of a sudden I was lying on the ground with almost nothing in between that reminded me of how I got somethere! Well tha lasted about 2 seconds before I wiped my hand across my face and realized I was bleeding! I stood up and there was a guy with a clenched fist standing 1 foot away from me! I immediately started screaming at him as to "Why he had done that?" But he kept denying it...saying that I had merely bumped into him! I again wiped my hand with my own blood, showed it to him and said something along the lines of "Then why the fuck do I have blood coming from the inside of my nose??" He just kept shaking his fist, clenched extremely tight and saying "You fell You fell!" Meanwhile, the couple had come back over and started defending my side of the story, as well as one of the workers of the adult cinema who had been taking a smoke break outside and witnessed the entire thing. I just kept screaming at him, at this point almost in tears "Why the fuck would you do something like that?" And all he kept doing was denying it! So here it is: I got gender-bashed on June 25th, 2007 at 3:00pm at the corner of St. Laurent and Duluth....there were about 20 people around us when we started yelling at each other...but 3 people who confirmed that they had definitely seen him punch me! But he ran away before I could call the police or something....not that I have much faith in the popo because really they would just ask for my legal name, etc etc and most likely not file the case because of my being a tranny! It definitely confirmed two things in me though that I had been arguing theoretically before but now am living proof of...regardless of whether the general public perceives me as a man or a woman....I am indeed ALWAYS IDed as QUEER! And whenever some bitchy straight person asks me why we feel the need to have our own spaces (ie cafes. bars, community neighbourhoods) I will respond with this example! Here's to making the world a safer place for queer & trans-folk! xoxo Patty -----
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Rock-a-round the clock tonight

So those three teams actually comprise the entire Montreal RB league. And it's the prechampionship deciding match. So it's small and worth supporting if you ask me. Plus, ther's tons of diversity in the crowd—gays, straights, Rockabilly boys and gals, as well as the usual suspects: local Mile-End hipsters hungry for a new underground trend. Oh! and i forgot to mention, 3 dollar Pabst Blue Ribbon!! (Ask for PBR if you're an unknowing hipster).
Monday, May 7, 2007
Natalie Portman: more than just a hilarious rapper on SNL

Who knew? Natalie Portman is
an ambassador for FINCA, a
nonprofit group that helps women
in impoverished countries start
their own businesses.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Edgy Women take over la ville de montreal

Highlights include:
edgy and cute, DJ Mini above.
see u there, square.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Uh Huh Her makes song debut

ps, isn't the band's name such a rip from PJ Harvey?!?! WTF.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Bad Girl is not born a Bad Girl. Rather, Bad Girl becomes one.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Editorial: The Greens—ain’t no single-issue party

Aside from the major political parties—Conservative, Bloc, Liberal and NDP—there are a lot of other parties trying to gain power within the federal government. While parties like the Marijuana party are pretty cut and dry being a one-issue party, others, like the Green Party, are somewhat more ambiguous. At first glance, one might think the party is a decidedly “left” one, putting environmental issues on the table for concrete policy change. And besides, Jim Harris began the party’s leaning to the right when he introduced issues on which he was a fiscal conservative. But Elizabeth May, the leader of the illusive party, is the one that has placed herself and her party in the murky position of opposing abortion. She has been harshly criticized for her comments, made during a recorded talk to sisters at the Mount St. Joseph convent late last year. The loaded question: what was her stance on the abortion and same-sex marriage issues? May answered with the pre-packaged official position (GP is pro-choice and supports therapeutic abortion, while the same-sex marriage issue is a closed one since it is a human rights one). What the audience was privy to however, is May’s personal opinion, a rare thing in Canadian politics. May said abortion was, to her, “a moral dilemma” and expressed a wish to reopen the debate on the woman’s right to choice.
May said when she hears “a woman’s right to choice” she gets “queasy,” adding that she didn’t think that “a woman has a frivolous right to choose.” After these comments went public, Judy Rebnick, in an open letter on the online news website rabble.ca (which Rebnick founded) officially removed her support from the Green Party. Rebnick addressed her discontent with May’s insistence on reopening the debate, an issue Rebnick should no longer be up for debate after its long, sordid history. It’s not also coincidence that May is being courted by the Liberals, a fence the Canadian public might soon see her jump.
Elizabeth May will be participating in a discussion about climate change policies under the Blueprints for Change conference at Concordia University.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
M*A*C* cosmetics finally break out their master plan: Barbies all around!

MAC Cosmetics unveiled their new Spring campaign and this time, you're in it doll. With what their calling "a modern rebel attitude and fashionable indie style" it appears MAC's marketing staff got high after smoking lotsa hash and totally zoned out on kid sister's Barbie collection. But amidst the flurry of drug-induced excitement (why didn't we ever think of that!) one question remains--Where is Skipper?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
D.E.B.S. director reels us in with split screen and half-naked Shane
The L Word was some kind of wonderful last week. I can't recap with justice, but this writer from afterellen.com can.
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Funny how as soon as a woman does a strange hairstyle she is deemed out of control or crazy--is identity caught up in head hair? JEEZ.
For the love of everything that is holy--when will people leave her the eff alone?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
February 12, 2007 -- EVEN though Britney Spears forgot to put her Star of David around her neck Saturday night (inset, picking up a friend in the West Village for a night on the town), Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has some advice for the pop tart. In an open letter to Spears, Shmuley said, "Allow me to share with you a teaching of the ancient Rabbis." These teachings include tips like, "Once you become a parent, Britney, life gets really serious . . . We can all pretend that life is one big party devoid of responsibility. And rarely being home, or coming home drunk, or letting your kids see you in a degraded state, will permanently scar your kids." Shmuley continues, "Soon your boys will be surfing the Internet. They'll see a lot of photos of you in poses that no son should ever see their own mother . . . Try and be home with your kids . . . Cover up . . . Limit the visits to the nightclubs." The spiritual leader ends his letter by saying, "I know you can get your life together, Britney. G - d bless you."
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Do Fathers4Justice have an anti-feminist agenda?

Barbara Legault and A Babord magazine, a social and political French-language revue, is being sued by Andy Srougi for libelous claims published in the October/November issue of 2006.
He has accused Legault of uttering hateful comments in the article she wrote entitled "Men against feminism." A call for solidarity is being sent out to all leftist publications and organizations. See A Babord magazine for more detail.
It's kind of contradictory to sue Legault for calling Srougi an anti-feminist--a charge the claimant apparently finds hateful. How can "anti-feminist" be a hateful utterance if the group implicitly calls the judicial process the same in regards to awarding fathers time with their children? Isn't feminsim to blame for the juridical process you claim is anti-father... anti-men?
Fathers for justice caused major upheaval last summer when a man stood on top of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge in a publicity move for the lobbying group. they claim that men should be awarded custody as easily as women are in the divorce fights. The groups is also thought to be behind the scaling of a wall at Buckingham Palace dressed as Batman in January 2007.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

So. yeah.
I still be lovin' that DO & DON'T shite though! Highlights include, Hen's night Out and Hip Hop's "No Girls Allowed" policy in feature format... and this drawing by Christy Karacas.

And this diatribe about ChickLit:
"In case you’ve been living on Lord of the Flies island, “Chick Lit” is book-speak for literature written by women, for women who act like girls. We try to love it but we don’t. Why? Because it’s usually written about normal girls who have normal jobs and try to get ahead in their boring, normal careers and we can’t understand why. They are filled with clichés and have stolen our lingo, like “totes” and, even more embarrassing, ancient terms like “hottie” (so ’96). Sometimes these books are about rich women who have nannies, and then maybe their nannies keep a diary and we’re supposed to care about that too. This just in: We don’t! Honorable mentions: Cats, crafternoons!!!, caring, cliques, Cookie Mueller."
Hence, without further ado, i present to you; Girls, according to the VICE Magazine dudes.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Author of "Cunt: a declaration of independance" to speak at Concordia

Lynnee Breedlove with Inga. What's really going on here?
Remember CUNTT? Well, she's back.
*Tuesday February 13th- Inga Muscio, author of "Cunt"
6:30 pm- Hall Building H-110 1455 de Maisenneuve w.
"Connecting the Disconnect: Racism, Feminism, Environmentalism and their connections to Queer and Trans Issues"
Inga is our featured speaker and a thought provoking left wing feminist from the West Coast of the US. Come hear the author of "Cunt" and "Autobiography of a Blue Eyed Devil" speak about all the 'isms and sexuality. There is a suggested donation of $1 for students and $2 for others, but no one will be turned away!
Here's a full schedule of activites
Concordia Sexual Diversity Alliance
A week celebrating sexual diversity on and off campus, giving the Concordia community a chance to educate themselves on LGBTQ/ sexuality politics and issues.
Featuring Inga Muscio, author of "Cunt" on Feb 13, 2007.
more info available here.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Lizzy dans le noir!!!
Lizzy the Lezzy for the BLIND
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Montreal's Black History Month: Two chicks for the price of six dudes
Black History Month in Montreal is like no other. Only two women, out of the eight total winners, are being honoured this year—Laurraine Leblanc and Maryse Legagneur.
Leblanc, pictured above, is a Montreal publicist who filed a complaint about Couche Tard under the Quebec human rights commission for racist candy wrappers. The wrappers depicted a spider as having the face of a black man, replete with an offensive sneer and dreadlocks for spiderlegs. She won, and the Couche-Tard was ordered to donate $18,000 to a youth group in Little Burgundy.
Lindalee Tracey: the 70s were "the last good time to be a stripper"
Tracey is also remembered for her range of subjects in her documentaries. She covered her own dad—in Abby, I Hardly Knew Ya, which told about his life and his subsequent homelessness after leaving her and her mother. In Bhopal: The Search for Justice, she brought international attention to the chemical spill that killed thousands in India.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Feminist publication slated for release in March

Issue one from the collective in LA wil feature articles and poetry, namely a piece called "Letters from beirut." They should totally talk to my friend Maria. Also: "Revolutionary housekeepers, the shape of water, bad dads, prime-time ugly..."
It's on bitches, it's on. (the revolution I mean, let me just go grab my Labrys).
They're also seeking submissions in:
—investigative journalism
—critical essays
—personal essays
—profiles of feminists activists, artists, projects, and thinkers
—fiction and poetry
—art and photography
—book, music, film, art, and event reviews
—hybrid pieces
Send pitches or full-draft submissions to info@makeshiftmag.com. Email them.
Once upon a time, a long time ago, Jane Fonda was dispised by the media...

Hanoi Jane rallied some tens of thousands of peace demonstrators at National Mall in Washington this past Saturday, in support of the demand for the U.S. to withdraw troops from Iraq.
The media used to hate her. A lot of people still do because of a perceived betrayal in the Vietnam War in the '70s. Especially Danny Bonaduce.

Fonda visited Hanoi in July 1972. She is credited with publicly exposing Richard Nixon's potential strategy of bombing the dikes in Vietnam. At the time, she was called a liar by United Nations ambassador George H. W. Bush.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
New York Times tries to 'Desaint-ify' Angelina Jolie

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Little Sisters Bookstore got served

In the late 90s, the Little Sisters Bookstore had their merchandise (like the Advocate, Pat Califia's Public Sex) stopped and held at the Canadian-American border. A couple of customs officers, arbitrarily, deemed the material offensive. Full history available here.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Aishwarya Rai saved from spinsterhood

Rai, former Miss World and reportedly the "most beautiful woman in the world," has finally been "plucked from the shelf!"
Unfortunately, Rai is not only 33 years old (i.e. "it's not cold in here you're just dying") but she has the audacity of being born under inauspicious sun/moon arrangement. Shameful!
Good luck to her, having a successfull Bollywood career and being friends with Oprah isn't enough these days... the star alignment in her chart says she runs the risk of ruining her husband's career. And that my friends, is a career-killer. Just ask Cameron and Justin. It's OK to fuck with your own life, but don't go blowing out the candles on yer man's b-day/career cake.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I majored in Cyberfeminism with a minor in American Myth

Young America's Foundation published a list of naughty courses taught at various universities and colleges in the States. Chiefly researched to chastise the underlying Liberal conspiracy they believe school are corrupted with, they pretty much did the dirty work of finding them so i didn't have to. On the offending syllabi were courses like:
11 - Duke University’s American Dreams/American Realities course seeks to unearth “such myths as ‘rags to riches,’ ‘beacon to the world,’ and the ‘frontier,’ in defining the American character.”
13 - UC-Berkeley’s Sex Change City: Theorizing History in Genderqueer San Francisco explores “implications of U.S. imperialism and colonization for the construction of gender in 19th-century San Francisco’s multicultural, multiracial, and multiethnic” community. The course also covers “contemporary transgender, queer, genderqueer, and post-queer cultural production and politics” and “the regulation of gender-variant practices in public space by San Francisco’s Anglo-European elites.”
14 - Cornell University’s Sex, Rugs, Salt, & Coal asks students to ponder the questions: Why are “oriental” rugs collector’s items? How did we come to keep salt shakers on our dinner tables? When did coal start replacing wood as a fuel source?
15 - Hollins University’s Drag: Theories of Transgenderism and Performance analyzes historical, theoretical, and autobiographical perspectives on drag, including transgenderism and performance in non-Western cultures.
Yes I think the Liberals do have an agenda. The kind of agenda that makes snotty white Republicans realize their privilege. The kind that expands minds and makes people become critically aware of their roles as actors on the social, political and economic scene. The kind that accepts and embraces diversity, dudes.
Full list available here.
Friday, January 12, 2007
XFM DJ calls for more chicks on British radio

"[The radio industry] needs more of us. Get Chris Moyles a womb. And if we can't have more women then we need more sex changes, an obligatory sex swap. Transgender FM?"
—Lauren Laverne, to The Guardian UK.
The morning show host and ex-member of rock band Kenickie is calling on the radio industry to make changes so that sexism doesn't prevail in stations across the country. She says not only is there a dearth of women, she adds that she is constantly being called "darling," told she doing just a super job and isn't that remarkable?! She's asked if her "breast get in the way," or even about her clothes.
Beefeater: now with a lady face to tickle

The Washington Times is reporting that a woman named Moira Cameron will soon be a beafeater. As well as guarding the Crown Jewels, the Beefeaters guard the Tower of London and any prisoners there. You must be a retired member of the British armed forces, and to be eligible, have been retired for 22 years. The Beefeaters started in 1485—It only took 522 years for the ladies to become makeshift tour guides!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Myriam Bédard: Witchhunt?

We finally have our own Canadian example! There was Martha Stewart, Courtney Love... all were very publically shamed for their "crimes." Why is Bédard getting in so much shit for taking her daughter a little bit longer than she was allowed to in her custody agreement? Is it that she testified against her bosses at Via Rail for the sponsorship scandal? Is it her husband Nima Mazhari's bizarre political affiliations? What about Michael Richards or Mel Gibson? Seems the public forgot about those guys' transgressions pretty fast...
What's more, shouldn't custody matters be private?! Thank God she's finally out. Her child abduction trial is set for this April 2.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
'Thanks Oprah:' Nelson Mandela and over a hundred South African girls

Oprah Winfrey continued with her humanitarian quest to change the world today, as she presented the new school she spent 40-million dollars USD to build for 152 lucky South African girls.
Winfrey said this wasn't a mere accidental donation--unlike her "everybody-in-the-audience-wins... " announcements during her daily talk show.
"This is the fulfilment of a lifetime destiny for me," Winfrey said during the opening gala.
The gala was attended by anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela, Mary J. Blige and Sidney Poitier, among others. All the guests were asked to bring books to contribute to the library!
The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in Henley-on-Klip, South Africa will eventually invite 450 students to join.
She also mentioned that it was important for the young women to be surrounded by beauty, reminding the audience that the public South African schools are surrounded by gang violence and its cities and towns plagued by HIV/AIDS.
It is therefore TOTALLY befiting to have 28 building filled with laboratories, computers, a library with fireplace, a 600-seat auditorium theatre, a wellness centre and a beauty salon.
"These girls deserve to be surrounded by beauty, and beauty does inspire," she told Newsweek.
Oprah for (U.S.) President!
Ruth Bernhard dies at age 101
Bernhard was known for her nudey photography/lesbianism. Oh Ruthy!

Monday, January 1, 2007
Dear old Dorthy Arzner
Directing Kathleen Hepburn in Christopher Strong, her character started out as a self-assured single young lady pilot, but succumbed to suicide for the man she loved.
On a lighter note, this film was my favourite. Her real-life lover choreographed the dances.