Saturday, July 28, 2007

India: Corrupt Radical Feminist President Appointed

Pratibha Patil has just been “elected” President of India by votes cast by national lawmakers and state legislators. Patil, was hand-picked by Congressional Parliamentary leader Sonia Ghandi, a powerful feminist who rode into power on the back of Nehru-Ghandi family, and who has been the woman jiggling knobs behind the curtain of the Prime Minister’s office for many years.

How Patil could have passed the “smell test” points to the nature of corrupt politics in India. Patil has a legacy of financing radical feminist initiatives and lining the pockets of relatives, financed by the failure of her bank which she founded in 1973, which actually managed to achieve a negative net worth.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kilt me, oh savage one

Utilikilts are rad. This guy's clearly proving that it is men that wear kilts that get all the hotties. And now everyone's cashing in—it's Miller time for kilts and it's about time they got taken seriously. Serious FUN that is.

Russia here I come

You Belong in Barcelona

When it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night.
Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picasso, eat some tapas, take a siesta, and then dance all night!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Beth Ditto calls bullshit on Angelina Jolie's bisexuality

The chanteuse, who heads up the Gossip and writes an advice column for The Guardian, was quoted as saying “If she were actually a lesbian she’d be with a woman.” Well, bisexuality rarely means lesbian. Often (dripping with sarcasm) it means that a person can have same-sex desire or can just as easily fall for a mate of opposite stripes! Does she qualify now Ms Ditto?

Recently, ex-lover and model Jenny Shimuzu was quoted as saying that she frequently sees Angelina, and that they don't always have sex - sometimes they just hang out in Cambodia and, you know, shoot the shit.


Monday, July 9, 2007

When girls kill

A 13-year-old girl awaits sentencing after her conviction this evening. The unnamed girl (under the Youth Criminal Justice act, minors under 14 cannot reveal their identities to the public) faces 10 years of imprisonment for the murder of her 8 year-old brother and their parents in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The jury was instructed to enter in a guilty verdict in the 1st degree if "it's shown they intentionally helped, encouraged or persuaded someone to commit a crime." The prosecution argued that the girl, who was 12 at the time, and her boyfriend conspired to murder her family because they disapproved of their relationship - he was 23 years old and a cocaine user. Jeremy Steinke faces charges for 1st degree murder as well, though he has not pleaded yet.
